Lost in the Stars
Performed in:2017 at Altrimenti
Thu 18th May 19:30 | Fri 19th May 19:30 | Sat 20th May 15:30 | Sat 20th May 19:30 | Sun 21st May 15:30 | Sun 21st May 19:30
Director: Rachel Parker
Musical Director: Philip Dutton

Role Name
Ensemble Stuart Alexander
Ensemble Chantelle Bonnici
Ensemble Tanja Duhr
Ensemble Julien Farlin
Ensemble Ruth Gillen
Ensemble Catriona Gillham
Ensemble Neil Johnson
Ensemble Martina Krasnik
Ensemble RachelKathryn Lloyd
Ensemble Randy Melton
Ensemble Céline Planata
Ensemble Valerie Scott
Ensemble Athena Turek-Hankins
Ensemble Stephen Wilkie
Kurt Weill Alex Teligadas
Lotte Lenya Ciara Barker
Costumes Ciara Barker
Hair Tekla Skowronski
Lighting Anthony McCarthy
Microphones Claire Haigh
Props Malcolm Turner
Stage Manager Athena Teligadas
Box Office and FOH Pamela Carlisle
Choreographer Marina Tomašić
Costumes Debbie Lloyd
Director Rachel Parker
Musical Director Philip Dutton
Poster design Liz Turner
Producer Valerie Scott
Programme Alex Teligadas
Publicity Rose Flammant
Publicity Ailbhe Jennings
Technical Director Brian Parker
Bass / Actor Daniela Kryouger
Drums Eric Gherardi
Piano Mick Swithinbank
Piano / keyboard Liz Turner
Saxophone Julien Farlin
Trumpet Philip Dutton
Bar staff Victoria Ball
Bar staff Stephen Reilly
Bar staff Christine van Marion
Bar staff Natacha Wagner