Jane Carter was a member of Pirates from its inception in 1979 and was involved in most aspects of the club's productions over a long period of time. She played a linchpin role in the significant number of successful shows that she directed. She continues to be remembered for her vision and for her obvious talent for overseeing and bringing together the various artistic and administrative aspects involved in staging a production.
After her death from cancer in 1996, the club membership in Annual General Meeting decided to create an annual award scheme, to be called the Jane Carter Memorial Award. The original purpose of the award was to pay each year, depending on circumstances and at the discretion of the committee, all or part of the cost for one member of the club to attend the "Theatrical Summer School" then held annually at the Chateau de Munsbach, Luxembourg.
Subsequently, at two Annual General Meetings held on 2nd October 2001 and October 2nd 2006, the club membership amended the purpose and value of the award. It may now be given for attendance at any theatre-related training course (e.g.: Seminar / Workshop / Summer School / Short Course) up to a maximum amount equivalent to the cost of the current or most recent LEATSS (Luxembourg European Annual Theatre Summer School)
The award was created as a means to establish permanent recognition of the significant contribution Jane made both to the club and to amateur theatre in Luxembourg over many years. Its aim is to bring about a demonstrable benefit to any aspect of the theatrical activities of the club.
Individuals wishing to be considered for this award are required to submit a written application, stating what they believe they would gain from the opportunity to attend their chosen theatrical training course and, in turn, what this would enable them to contribute to the club's future productions. Preference will be given to applicants wishing to direct, musically direct or stage manage a Pirates' production.
Guidelines for the Award:
- Any paid-up member of the club may apply for the Award;
- Applications should be submitted to the Committee in writing;
- To be accepted, applications must be received by the Committee no later than 31 March;
- The Committee should consider and discuss the merits of each application before making a decision;
- The Committee will retain full discretion in deciding whether or not to grant the Award, in full or in part;
- The successful applicant should be someone whom the Committee believes is most likely to fulfil the criteria for the Award;
- Applicants will be informed in writing of the Committee's decision, the successful applicant will be reminded of guidelines 8) and 9) below;
- The successful applicant will be required, subsequent to attending their chosen training course, to submit a written report to the Committee, detailing the particular ways in which he/she has benefited;
- In order to reassure the club's membership that expenditure on the Award is justified, the successful applicant's report will be published in the club's newsletter at the earliest opportunity following the course attended;
- When inviting applications for the Award, to avoid any possible misunderstanding, the Committee will provide members with a copy of these guidelines.